I’ve been talking recently to a few clients about how their frustration and annoyance with their bodies is doing more harm than good.

It is easy to focus on what is wrong or what we can’t do because of injury, chronic physical health and unfortunately this only continues to perpetuate the frustration and discomfort.

Our bodies tell the truth, whereas our minds are influenced by previous experiences, ingrained belief patterns and habits.

As a healer my belief is that there is often a spiritual cause to what is physically manifesting.  What we feel in our bodies is often the last signal that signifies something is wrong.  As we have moved more away from our innate abilities to notice and read our body signs we only stop to take notice when we are stopped in our tracks or in pain.  Then we complain, reach to dampen the discomfort rather than seeking a reason why it has happened.

Person in pain

In a shamanic session a few months ago the focus we (the client and I) were drawn to was a foot.  Yes, there was some residual physical pain but it went back much further into emotional and mental trauma.  Although this was cleared the important thing was to acknowledge and give thanks to the foot that brought the trauma to our attention.

This led to expressing gratitude to the foot for having a purpose in the person’s emotional health over the years.  Sometimes we may not always understand why we have pain but there is always an underlying energetic or spiritual reason and when this is uncovered the trauma or blockages can be released.

Even if you don’t have a healing session to address some form of physical issues, you can still speak lovingly to that part.  In your mind you can thank it for showing you it needs attention, express gratitude for what you are able to do rather than focus on what you can’t do.

Older people cycling

There has been a lot of research on gratitude, being kind and grateful and the impact that it has on decreasing stress, lowering blood pressure, reducing pain and accelerating healing.

You may not be able to walk as far as you once did but say thank you to your legs/hips/back for doing their best and enabling you to get out and about.

Dr Emoto, in his book The Hidden Messages of Water experimented with photographing ice crystals of water and evidenced that water that had the words love, happiness, gratitude around it formed beautiful intact crystals.  A glass of water that had the words hate by it, the crystals were deformed and irregular.

Energy follows our thoughts and our thoughts affect not only the health of our energy but of the energy of others around us.  The moral being be careful of what you think, notice the old habits of negative or critical thinking whether it is about yourself, your body or others as it will affect your health.

When you are in discomfort or pain instead of complaining or becoming frustrated know that there is a reason that this is happen although you may not know why.

As a way of supporting your own healing you may wish to:

  • Talk kindly to that part and acknowledge it
  • Be grateful for how it has supported /worked for you over many years
  • On waking smile and imagine that smile travelling all the way down to that area of discomfort
  • Know that there is a reason why this is happening to you at this particular time
  • Let go of frustration and bring in acceptance