
During this current time of Covid-19 we are finding ourselves coping with situations we have never imagined. We are calling upon all the resources and coping strategies that we know but if you feel you need some additional help and support this is what I am able to offer you:-

Exhausted and Under Pressure

Do you feel exhausted & under pressure? Would you like to have time just for yourself and put on hold stress and worry? I can help you to regain energy & put worries into perspective. I’ve worked in the NHS for many years and appreciate the strain and stress. As much as you would like to keep on going, stress can just build up and impact upon others around you. I am offering time to talk, ways to boost your wellbeing and a bit of breathing space. Book now for a complimentary Insight session to kick start your own return to wellbeing. A coaching or Tapping session via video link or phone will give you time and understanding to regain a sense of yourself and your own self worth. Or maybe you just want someone else to talk to and be heard. Fee £50 per hour.

Nurtured and Supported – Distance Reiki

Just having a quiet time for yourself and feeling supported and nurtured can help to boost your immune system and reduce stress levels. Distance healing with Reiki, is a haven amongst chaos, enabling your body and mind to feel back in balance – an opportunity to experience deep relaxation and peace.

By energetically connecting with you and I will send healing to you whilst you lie in the comfort of your own home. Instructions and feedback will be given.

Upon advise I first prepared myself i.e. calming environment; no phones or interruptions, session of breathing exercises. I laid on a bed just before the allocated time and I held a crystal in each hand, purely because it felt right and connected.I had nothing else to do which is pure indulgence and although I thought it might be difficult to just let myself “be” it strangely wasn’t. I closed my eyes and treated it as I would a meditation.

I personally felt moments of heat and a presence none of which was a concern, quite comforting really.There was a point I think I must have drifted off, but not for long and when I ‘came to’ I felt refreshed and totally relaxed.

It is a lovely experience if you give yourself over to it – I would say that it is so important to have absolute faith in the integrity of the person giving the distance healing i.e. Karen, without that trust I don’t feel you would get the best out of it.

Have faith; trust and open heart and mind and enjoy. Afterwards, it was an endorsement to get e-mail from Karen letting me know what she felt, how she dealt with it and the deeper meaning.

Fee £40 per session

Have a question you’ve never been able to answer?

If you have always wondered why patterns keep repeating in your life or have reached a crossroads and don’t know which direction to turn let me ask these questions on your behalf.  Through the healing work I do, I gather information from different sources that can bring about clarity and understanding for you. All you need to do is to ask the question and I will do the work and feedback to you the findings.

“Karen recently did a remote guidance session for me as I was struggling to find a way forward with a project I was working on and felt generally stuck on every level.  She did journeying, seership and a Native Spirit card reading for me and all tied up beautifully with one another and brought me some incredible advice.  I put this into practice immediately and felt an instant shift in perspective.  Work on the project started flowing again and I had an increased understanding of what I was meant to do next.  I found the distance work to be as powerful as a hands on session”.

To ask your question and receive online feedback. Fee £45

Available Resources

Newsletters – I regularly send out information, articles, tips, blogs and helpful strategies that you may find interesting, supportive and challenging.

If you wish to stay up to date with the courses and training please sign up for my monthly newsletter.

My Blogs

Monthly blogs that range from making your environment work for you to assertive communication to managing stress can all be found on the Blog page.

Life Lessons from a Puppy

Life Lessons from a Puppy

For the past 7 months my world has been turned upside down with an addition to the home of a puppy. I have learnt so much from him as much as he has learnt from me.

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Hunkering Down for Winter

Hunkering Down for Winter

Wintering, much like hibernation, is not a luxury—it’s a necessity for thriving. By heeding the lessons of animals and plants, we learn that slowing down doesn’t equate to stagnation. It’s a crucial part of the cycle that prepares us for growth, creativity, and renewal when spring arrives

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My Videos

Over the years I have made short and sweet videos but with a message of wellbeing behind them. Take a look here

Gift Vouchers

You may like to treat yourself, a member of your family or a friend to a gift voucher for any of the treatments and interventions I offer. Just contact me and I can either post one or email a voucher out to you.

In the meantime take care of yourself and stay well.

Have A Question? Get In Touch.