Energy is constantly around us – from our environment, from others and from ourselves. We may be good at looking after ourselves through exercise, healthy food but how often we do think about the energy within our homes? As the months get warmer we may do a bit of Spring cleaning which means cleaning and hovering, dusting and de-cluttering. However, how often do we continue to “clean” our homes by cleansing the energy within them throughout the year?
Energy within rooms of the house can become stagnant and stale. Have you ever had the experience of walking into a house or room and it just feel uncomfortable although you may not know why? It can be because the air and atmosphere has become stuck, it is unable to circulate freely, so every now and then, in your own home, set the intention to bring in new, fresh healing energy. We can do this in a variety of ways and here are some suggestions:-
- Start with the intention in your mind of clearing away stale negative energy and replace with new, fresh healing energy
- Clap your hands within each corner of a room
- Use a singing bowl or chimes to create vibration
- Positions crystals in strategies places, remembering to clean your crystals first
- Smudge each room using Sage or Palo Santo
- Hum or sing to increase vibration into the room
- De-mist using water and a few drops of aromatherapy oils
- Bring light into dark corners with lamps or candles
- Rearrange your furniture so the energy can move freely
- Create a through draught by opening windows and doors
- Add flowers and houseplant
- Play loud music and dance
- Clean windows inside and out to attract light through them
Each season can be a great reminder to freshen up each room. Do you have any other suggestions?