Life Lessons from a Puppy

Life Lessons from a Puppy

For the past 7 months my world has been turned upside down with an addition to the home of a puppy. As a brand-new dog owner, I don’t think I realised how challenging, frustrating, joyous and tiring it was going to be. The puppy, a Sprocker, is a beautiful yet high...
Hunkering Down for Winter

Hunkering Down for Winter

As the temperature drops and the days grow shorter, the natural world provides a masterclass in the art of slowing down. Animals and plants instinctively adapt to winter’s chill, conserving energy, resting, and renewing themselves for the coming seasons. For...
Open Loops and Manifest

Open Loops and Manifest

I recently had the pleasure of travelling to Amsterdam to attend an event with Ester and Abraham Hicks. Although I had heard of Abraham, I thought he was a person1 How wrong was I! Abraham is a named entity that speaks though Ester Hicks and I was totally memorised by...
Laughter – the best medicine

Laughter – the best medicine

We are not the only species to laugh, apparently 65 species have been identified as having “laughter” vocalisations from chimpanzees, to dolphins, to birds (reference Naturebangs Radio 4). Naturebangs We know that children laugh and smile about 300 times a day...
Being in Flow

Being in Flow

Often we hear the phrase going with the flow and being in flow, both with very different meanings. Going WITH the flow is a conscious decision to let go of decisions or judgements and to accept what presents itself.  Perhaps to go along with what others have decided...