I recently had the pleasure of travelling to Amsterdam to attend an event with Ester and Abraham Hicks.
Although I had heard of Abraham, I thought he was a person1 How wrong was I!
Abraham is a named entity that speaks though Ester Hicks and I was totally memorised by Ester and the words that she was speaking from Abraham. Over two hundred people at the venue raised a beautiful energy of wellbeing, awareness, guidance and joy.
Channelling Abraham, Ester, spoke to individuals on the stage often being firm, funny and challenging. The underlying message was that we all have our own “bag of marbles” which are basically our thoughts. We activate these marbles attracting into our field of attraction what we focus upon.
Often what confuses our field of attraction is that we point our thoughts and vibrations in the opposite direction of what we are manifesting. Simply put, keep our thoughts and actions pointing in the right direction to bring about what we are wanting.
Momentum builds as we look for easy current markers in our everyday lives that keep our vibration and actions on the path to our manifestation. Let go of the end result and outcome and enjoy the process of alignment by making the path “delicious and exciting”!

Create everyday experiences to bring about the feelings of what you want. Accept what has gone in the past and open a new loop towards your manifestation. Once that is achieved then another loop opens and so it continues.
This is unlikely to be anything new if you are familiar with the law of attraction but through Abraham, via Ester, the simplicity was brought home to me. Keep pointing in the right direction, avoid splitting my energy by thinking of why things don’t happen and recognise the everyday experiences that bring about the feelings that I wish to have in what I am manifesting.
As a newbie to Abraham Hicks I can highly recommend the experience and will be going to the event again which in 2025 will be held in Edinburgh 3-4 May.