Reiki and Everyday Life!

Reiki and Everyday Life!

My “official” Reiki experience started in 2014 when I went for a Reiki session with Tracee Cullen.  I remember one of the first questions she asked was “when did my spiritual journey begin” which I thought was a bit of a strange question.  On reflection though I have...
Stress Awareness

Stress Awareness

Stress affects everyone and April is Stress Awareness month.  At times stress can be energising, positive and motivating but when demands upon ourselves exceed our perceived ability to cope then stress can become a problem.  The effects of stress are different for...
Meditation – the Benefits

Meditation – the Benefits

Meditation can still conjure up images of sitting in the lotus position and chanting “omm”! Meditation in the Western world has moved on a lot from the original Eastern practice and it is more accessibly and “easier” to do now for many people. There are many fantastic...
Tuning in to our Bodies

Tuning in to our Bodies

Our bodies are truly amazing and by tuning into our bodies it can help us in so many ways.  Our bodies are energy, parts of which regenerate continually so our body is not the same one we had a year ago. According to Deepak Chopra how we live and relate to our bodies...
Reiki, Spiritual Needs  and The NHS

Reiki, Spiritual Needs and The NHS

I have been an Occupational Therapist for over 30 years working within mental health.  I worked very much using a social care model rather than a medical model which allowed me to look at the person’s whole needs in their lives. I considered their ability to look...
A Little Time for Yourself

A Little Time for Yourself

How much time do you spend looking after yourself? We can all do with a bit of “me” time to ensure that we are feeling at our best.  How much time do we need to get ourselves back on top form and how do we do that? There are many ways to look after ourselves and we...