Hunkering Down for Winter

Hunkering Down for Winter

As the temperature drops and the days grow shorter, the natural world provides a masterclass in the art of slowing down. Animals and plants instinctively adapt to winter’s chill, conserving energy, resting, and renewing themselves for the coming seasons. For...
Are You in Balance?

Are You in Balance?

Everything in our life is about balance.  Without balance our world, our health our happiness is affected. Chinese medicine, for thousands of years, has applied the concepts of yin and yang – opposite forces that interconnect.  One is not better or needed more than...
Winter Solstice – what can we learn?

Winter Solstice – what can we learn?

We have all heard of the winter solstice which this year was on 21 December 2020 and represented the shortest day of the year.  A day where daylight is shorter than any other time, but also a time when the sun rises and sets in the same place over 3 days. For us in...
Samhain – end of the Celtic Year

Samhain – end of the Celtic Year

Samhain is the time of year between the Autumn equinox and Winter solstice which is mainly seen in the Northern hemisphere as the month of Halloween. For our ancestors they saw this time of the year with death and darkness as essential to move into rebirth and...
Lammas –  Summer Quarter Festival

Lammas – Summer Quarter Festival

Lammas comes midway between the Summer solstice and the Autumn equinox, falling at the end of July and the beginning of August. It is a celebration of summer and the start of gathering in the grain harvests as we very slowly make our way towards the Autumn equinox. ...